Orgy of the Blood Leeches Scenario

Parasites on Trellick Station


1 Year Ago - Trellick Station opened for habitation and business. Planetary Resourcing Corporation diversified their corporate plans by opening a self-contained luxury living space station for high wealth individuals who work remotely via Slickspace.

6 Months Ago - Dr. Johannes Lethian (see page xx) rented a space in the medical wing to develop parasites that could replace faulty organs within the human body. He had a successful practice implanting kidney and liver parasites into wealthy individuals who have fatal illnesses or suffer from substance abuse and wanted the most cutting edge treatment available.

1 Month Ago - Dr. Lethian closed his practice to the public. Nick Henry reported a strange illness to Dr. Rogelio Luca, Trellick Station's medical officer (See page xx).

2 Weeks Ago - Brianna Pilgrim was found murdered via vivisection. Her organs were removed and have not been located. Brianna Pilgrim was a licensed practitioner with the Interstellar Sex Workers’ Union. Your party was dispatched to Trellick Station as this murder falls under the jurisdiction of the ISWU’s criminal and carceral system. The local corporate police force is currently running their own investigation.

1 Week Ago - After Brianna Pilgrim’s death, people have suddenly started behaving erratically and attacking other people. There are reports of strange leeches in residents’ bathtubs, toilets, and sinks. Brianna Pilgrim happened to be a transfeminine person, so the Radical Feminist Liberation Front (RFLF) partnered with the Neo Reactionary Coalition (NRC) have seized this moment to link the ISWU and Brianna Pilgrim with patriarchal oppression, pestilence, and moral depravity. They started broadcasting Slickspace propaganda from within Trellick Station as they have agents stationed inside. There are many corporate individuals amenable to their fascist agendas who are glad to assist with this campaign of misinformation.

48 Hours Ago - Dr. Lethian reappeared and broadcast an encrypted video message across the station asking the residents of Trellick Station to embrace “The New Humanity.” The station was placed on quarantine, so no one is able to enter quarantined areas of the station without special security permissions.

24 Hours Ago - Your party received a secret report from Dr. Luca about his initial pathological and epidemiological findings from inside Trellick Station. He reported that Trellick Station had been overrun by an infestation of Blood Leeches. These parasites appear to take over host humans’ central nervous systems. When this happens the hosts become extremely aggressive towards other humans, trying to infect them with leeches. Infected hosts become sexually aroused and engage in intercourse with other infected humans, merging their bodies upon completion. He transmits three pages of notes that he managed to photograph out of Dr. Lethian’s journal.

Today - Your party has arrived onboard Trellick Station.

What Happens If The Party Does Nothing

1 Week - PRC sends in a military rescue and investigative mission. The ISWU investigators are infected by leeches and steal an unlicensed mini-ship from the Cargo Bay.

2 Weeks - PRC sends in a special forces squad to eradicate all living beings from Trellick Station. Annie, the station’s AI, recognizes the infected as a new sentient species, and she goes rampant again defending them.

3 Weeks - Annie defeats the PRC special forces. She leaks the information about the eradication and cover up of the individuals aboard Trellick Station. The RFLF/NRC alliance connects this coverup with their previous hateful rhetoric to cause riots and protests across the galaxy.

1 Month - Galvanized by the political environment, a suicide bomber enters ISWU headquarters on Geppetto Station and kills 75 people.

3 Months - Riots continue and the RFLF/NRC alliance forms a flotilla of vessels funded by fascist corporate interests, recruiting their angry base from across the galaxy as soldiers.

6 Months - The RFLF/NRC flotilla attacks the ISWU main fleet stationed in the Cerdo System. The ISWU declares war on the RFLF/NRC alliance, now known as the Advanced Reactionary Network (ARN).

1 Year - Corporate and government interests have aligned behind either the ISWU or the ARN. A decades-long galactic war will ensue, and corporate profits will be higher than ever.