Wow, March has gone by fast. We’re starting the fulfillment process for our first distributed module, Graveyard of the Gods, and we’re only a few days away from the Kickstarter campaign for our adventure pamphlet and in-universe board game Mitosis.
The thing about crowdfunding is that Mitosis is almost done, the KS campaign is going to help us get it manufactured and out the door. We have many other projects in various stages. We’ve shared a bit about our large module, Orgy of the Blood Leeches, scheduled to launch on KS in 2024. We’ve only shared a little about a pamphlet that we had announced earlier, The Progeny.
The Progeny is a Wardenless Mothership Dungeoncrawler inspired by the Cronenberg film The Brood. It’s uses the setting of Mothership and highly modifies the Panic Engine into a lean mean, player-facing rolls pocket mod. The game uses a zone-based exploration procedure consisting of a counter and a table hexes placed on top of a flowchart map, approximating range bands. This allows for it to played solo or co-operatively. However, if you do not like our procedure or rules hack or hex overlay map, everything is here to let you play this as a traditional Mothership pamphlet adventure.
However, The Progeny has also progressed beyond a simple pamphlet and digital maps. Later this summer we are going to be offering a physical edition via a Crowd Sale through The Game Crafter. It will come with the pamphlet, a box, trackers, and accessories.
We’re so excited to be able to offer a new game in the tradition of the Microgames of the late 1970s and early 1980s. First, our Microgames are hobby game genres: dungeoncrawlers and board wargames, they are not abstract or euro games. We’re also defining our Microgames as being small boxed games with the rules on a single tarot sized folio. The map is provided as a folded sheet of paper.
We provide the minimal number of dice necessary, counters, and we will use miniatures only if they are cheap and stock, no custom STLs, so this is really cheap plastic or meeples. We will also be providing player trackers and dry erase markers as part of these games.
For now, we are giving away the print and play version of the game and releasing it digitally on DTRPG as PWYW with a suggested price of $9. It also comes with player trackers that can be used to track Contractors in your Mothership campaign and an alternate Panic Table on the back as a reference. This is its own game and a box full of stuff suitable for Mothership by itself.